Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aug 10 notes Podxvat/Uchi-mata day (mostly)

we need to do more Shiko-reps (Sumo squats)! At best ROM, we should be doing 160 reps. It covers balance, strength, posture, flexibility and concentration.

•criss-cross stepping sprints, emphasize the back-step

•slow-posture work: step, back-step and lift leg. Find tabled posture for shoulder blades, look around posted-leg and look for the instep of your extended foot

•walking uchikomi: walk into and out of the throw/fit-in for the throw, try to make each step equal in spacing and timing. Think of walking up the side of a bowl, how the curve quickens.

•back-kick with heavy bag, R-L-Rkick and L-R-Lkick.

•elastic bands for the n00bs, paired up for the ones who have a feel for it. In either case, drive forward. If you're on your heels then you're blowing your elastic motion.

•emphasize the shoulder=>hips twisting motion/action: elbow strike and mule-kick for the throw: then knee-strike and swing leg thru to mule-kick&throw

•pendulum-leg: like a punt in Rugby, you're launched off the ground by the action of your leg+hip, solo drill=knee hit, like a clinched side knee, turn with the action generated and roll over with your leg extending.

•knee-strike and mule-kick roll, hip-snap is crucial

•"kid n'play" line drill, if you do it right-it doesn't hurt. Best way to learn is to get your body to give you the feedback you need!

then we worked on the throw again,

•forward roll-together: do this cautiously until you have a feel for it, if you concentrate on forward rolling correctly, it works fine.

•"curly-roll" pendulum leg and use that action to launch a forward-roll. From there, use it for the Victor-roll into kneebar. Then use the same "feel" for the actual correct Victor-roll.

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