Friday, October 10, 2008


I shall catch up on this blog, I've just been so busy and away from the computer that it's become difficult to stay on top of this project.

One thing about our classes, I watch you guys during the warmup and even if I've come in with specific things I want to work on, I always end up adjusting it. Sometimes I'm scrapping it altogether and making shit up as I go (not as in what to do technically!) but I might stop the progression or take a different direction. I get feedback from seeing who showed up and how you all are moving.

If anyone wants to break out of the warmup&breakfall/Sambo-Parkour routines, by all means go ahead. I just stay on this stuff as I think its very important. I also want to be sure we're active and moving for a good 1&1/2-2hrs. I've always felt that staying moving like this was a good training regimin.

I recently found some validation for this thinking:

"According to our definition, endurance begins at 90 minutes, the point when fueling, hydration, thermal regulation and a host of other factors take on a greater influence than during shorter efforts."

-Mark Fucking Twight

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